CBD in Virginia updates

CBD in Virginia updates
Dear UVCA Members:
A few members have asked what the latest is on selling CBD in their practices in Virginia.
From Joseph Kryszak of Stirling Professional:
No laws prevent the sale of CBD in VA as long as there is less than .3% Delta 9 THC in them. Since it is federally legal, and there are no state laws modifying federal law, selling CBD in VA is 100% legal.
The latest legislation concerning cannabis that would have affected DCs was the recent non-ruling on Delta 8. The VA legislature voted not to make specific laws preventing the sale of Delta 8 - so selling Delta 8 products are 100% legal.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the following experts and UVCA Supporting Supplier Members:
Stirling Professional
Joe Kryszak
Stirling Professional
Stirling CBD
Jonathan Solomon or Barney Martin
(844) 776-5383
Aspen Green
Will Mabry
(703) 945-5315
Stirling Professional and Proleve are confirmed exhibitors for the upcoming UVCA Fall Convention in Arlington.
Proleve will be providing additional updates soon, which we will also share with you.
Hope this helps!
Julie K. Connolly, FICC
Executive Director
Unified Virginia Chiropractic Association